We Lead Surgery is an international movement with an intersectional focus dedicated to supporting women throughout their journeys to becoming surgical leaders.




In 1991, Dr. Bernadine Healy was appointed Director of the National Institutes of Heath (NIH). That same year, the NIH created the Women's Heath Initiative, which established formal channels to support research for the benefit of women's health. The inclusion of women in science was not only possible due to the leadership of Dr. Healy, but also the increased number of women at the NIH. At We Lead Surgery, we aim to be the overarching organization that brings women together, just as Dr. Healy did years ago. We Lead Surgery will support people of every race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, and all other identities along their path to becoming surgical leaders.


At We Lead Surgery, we believe strongly in empowering our followers to complete concrete action items to improve the state of women in surgery. The term radical may seem extreme. However, every act, no matter how small, that supports a woman along her journey to becoming a surgical leader will change the culture of the operating room in a radical way. Together, we will make the culture of surgery one of diversity and inclusion.


We Lead Surgery is excited to partner with schools at every educational level, from high school through fellowship training programs to enact changes that will address the lack of women entering surgical professions. Our initiatives include: curricular changes, increasing the number of women surgeons in medical school classrooms, and creating three day pre-orientation camps at every medical school across the country. Through these changes, we hope to encourage women of all ages to explore the field of surgery and, most importantly, work towards achieving the highest levels of success.